Pulp and chunks of organically grown plum tomatoes are boiled in stainless steel vats and combined with carefully selected ingredients: onions, garlic, apple vinegar, salt, oregano, capers and spices. The end product gives you a healthy note of the valley’s scent. Treat your taste buds to an invigorating burst of tomato flavor from the heart of our valley!
Serving recommendations: It is a ready-made sauce for easy and nutritious meal ideas with no preparation time. Use directly on pasta and pizza.
Ingredients: Tomatoes*, onions*, garlic*, capers*, oregano*, olive oil*, vinegar*, sugar*, starch and sea salt.
Net Weight: 350g/12oz
*Coming from Organic Agriculture
صلصة البندورة بالزعتر العضوية
المحتويات: بندورة*، بصل*، ثوم*، قبار*، زعتر*، زيت زيتون*، خل*، سكر*، نشاء، ملح بحري.
الوزن الصافي: ٣٥٠غ
*منتج من الزراعة العضوية
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